Kundalini, otherwise known as the coiled serpent power, is the vital life force that is located in our spine, or the sushumna. Our nervous systems are largely asleep compared to our fully energized potential. Through meditation, great beings like Gopi Krishna and Paramahansa Yogananda have accomplished what is called a kundalini awakening. With the rising of kundalini energy, we gain greater compassion, easy soul-expression and access to divine wisdom, along with many other abilities.

These paintings are intended to be for your altar or a place where you enjoy meditation. They’re created using mica, a mineral known to enhance psychic abilities. They have also been charged with the full moon. By meditating on this symbol for up to several hours per day, you will begin to feel blockages breaking down as energy is released up towards the brain, freeing it to rise to higher spinal spiritual centres, like the Christ-Consciousness centre in the third eye.

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